by west elm photography
by west elm photography
Kansas City Premier Senior Photographer
Hi! It's that time again upcoming seniors and for this next year I've got some exciting new changes I'm bringing into my senior rep program and I think you might like it A LOT! I am now offering 2 fantastic photoshoots to add to your senior year and as a Senior Model Rep you receive it an extremely low low price...which by the way, you are now called "WEP Senior Model" and not just "rep" anymore. ;) SO! I am looking for only 8-10 Senior Models from schools all around the metro who love fashion, love the camera, love sharing on social media and LOVE the unique photography style of West Elm Photography! If this sounds like you, check out the amazing perks to being chosen to represent a style of photography that is fresh, distinctive and not like the rest. +++++++++++++++The Perks++++++++++++++++++
ALSO receive WEP Model t-shirts . discounts to local boutiques . wep swag . plus, I'm pretty generous with my models so I'll probably think of more freebies as we go ;)All of the above perks for being chosen as one of my 2020 Senior Models is offered for $375. (HUGE SAVINGS) |
February 2025