by west elm photography
by west elm photography
Let me save you the stress of shopping! As many teen moms have told me, I have not only saved them time, money and headache from shopping with their teen but have actually made the senior process enjoyable. Instead of the arguing or stress of shopping together, parents can now actually sit back, watch their kiddo and soak it all in. My poor mom didn't have this treat when I was a senior. lol All my 2025 senior collections have a style consultation included! I am now scheduling February - July! lee's summit mo senior photographer. overland park ks senior photographer, lee's summit senior pics, lee's summit mo photographer
Looking forward to working with more Lee's Summit High School Seniors this year! Here's some great looking kiddos I had to pleasure to work with this past year. Enjoy! What's better than a full service studio that offers full wardrobe, professional makeup AND hairstyling! I not only help you find the best outfits for your big day but having a one-stop shot makes your life so stress free, you practically roll out of bed and we will do the rest! lee's summit senior photographer, lee's summit mo senior pics, kansas city senior photographer, leawood ks photographer, leawood ks senior photographer, harrisonville mo senior photographer, overland park ks senior portraits
Specializing in senior photography in the Greater Kansas City area including:
Lee's Summit MO seniors Raymore - Peculiar MO seniors Overland Park KS seniors Leawood KS seniors Butler MO seniors Harrisonville MO seniors Archie MO seniors Adrian MO seniors Kansas City MO seniors Blue Springs MO seniors basically wherever you are!! Here I am winding down for the year and trying to get another blog in for 2024 especially since I was horrible at writing this year! I had a fabulous year with lots of new faces and many return clients too! It's always a huge honor to see a familiar face in the studio. I'm now on year 9 with my girl Alex Glaviano and wow, I just love her to pieces. She has such a talent and has been the one who makes all west elm photography faces glow. She is the best! For 2025 you will see much of the same around here but more creative pieces. I want to truly find the art in my work again and maybe even stepping outside of the box even more ... so stayed tuned! Striving for more artsy seniors from Lee's Summit too! lee's summit senior photographer, harrisonville mo senior photographer, kansas city senior photographer, raymore peculiar senior photographer
It's time for my annual Teem Team and I'm so excited! This will be my 5th year and by far one of my most rewarding events. Come join the fun! What's Included?ONE fully styled session just for you that includes: professional makeup & hairstyling along with a style + planning consultation at my studio in Harrisonville PLUS full access to the wep style coset (everyone's favorite) ONE natural summer mini session - think flowers + open fields ONE themed mini session with the team - ideas welcome ONE meet & greet with the team + lots of fun freebies all summer long! Details
Can't wait to meet you!The number of people I have to chase down each year to download their images makes me think, people really aren't printing their images! I think they see their gallery and share a couple on social media from the mobile app I provide but that's it, out of sight, out of mind. I'm definitely guilty of the ones on my phone but professional images, I ALWAYS get printed! For most of us, we get professional photos once a year, do yourself a favor and print them please! When you get them too! I offer genuine leather albums in sizes 5x5, 8x8 10x10 as well as canvases plus styrene prints with custom made wooden stands. I will walk you through each product when you book your session and all you have to do is point to the ones you want printed and I'll do the rest. Here are three gorgeous albums going out today and I can't wait to show them off! lee's summit senior photographer. lee's summit seniors, lee's summit senior portraits, lee's summit photographer
What a year for styled shoots! My Teen sessions exploded and I couldn't be happier! I worked with teens from Liberty, Shawnee, Leawood, Butler and North KC! This might be my favorite part of photography, the teens are just the best!! Enjoy some from this past year! overland park photographer, leawood ks photographer, lee's summit photographer, kansas city photographer, lee's summit senior photographer, Harrisonville photographer, kansas city senior photographer
2023 was year of learning more about myself and trying to live my life according to what pleases my inner peace. It stems from my childhood, that I want to do all that I can to make someone happy so they don't leave me. I have been physically abandoned as well as all of my life emotionally abandoned and i'm learning that it's not because I'm not worthy it's because I keep attracting people who take, it's what I'm most comfortable with and that's sad. I'm now aware of that piece of me and trying to change it to attract people that truly care for me and are there for me. Ugh what a blog post eh?
Here's to 2024, another day the Lord has blessed and I intend to do all that I can to make him proud and myself. I will remember that everyone comes from their own trauma and to lend an open heart when I can but never when it jeopardizes my own peace. I can't allow that anymore, I take on too much emotionally. Ugh here I am again ... do I need a therapist? lol It's teen team time and I'm so excited! This will be the 4th year for the team and every year it gets bigger and better! Favorite part of it all ... the confidence and new friends each kiddo leaves with. Read about all the details below. what's included
pricingPayment options - pay half upon acceptance in April and balance before first event in May OR pay in full in April - payments can be paid via Venmo, personal check or cash. For all of the above - teen team fees are $1,275 application belowHi there! I'm so excited that you are interested in west elm photography being your senior photographer! Please read all the details below and to grab your early Spring incentives, please fill out the contact form at the bottom of the page. Senior portrait Details: The collections below are only for class of 2024 seniors for the month of March and April so if you have friends wanting to be a part of my special senior rates and the special senior collections, please tell them asap! All seniors have two amazing collections to choose from and again, this is only for seniors who sign up and pay a portion of their collection in the month of March and April. These senior collection options are only offered once a year and in the month of March and April. Have I mentioned "March and April" enough? lol COLLECTION ONE: $1,225.
*Hair Styling $50 *Style Consultation + access to style closet $50 COLLECTION TWO: $1,525
*Hair Styling $50 *Style Consultation + access to style closet $50 Upon receiving your contact information, I will then email you and your parents all the pricing details! Please be sure all your spelling is correct before hitting submit. apply belowCan't wait to hear from you!Hi Ya'll! So much has been happening since April and I feel completely behind on posting so to catch up, I'm going to just post what I've been working on. Enjoy! that's all for now, I'll post more later! ~R. leessummitphotographer, kansascityphotographer, editorialphotographykansascity, harrisonvillemophotographer,
Personal branding sessions can be whatever you want them to be at west elm photography. Whether you are need social media content for your business or you just need bad ass images of yourself for the heck of it ... personal branding sessions are where it's at! Let me know if you would like your own session, not only do I style you but I have a professional makeup artist on staff that will also style your hair. We are a one stop shop type of place. ;) Featured below is Paige wardrobe + styling by west elm photography hair and makeup by Alex Glaviano Enjoy! kansas city personal branding photographer . kansas city photographer The 2022 Teen Team has been selected for the year. Do check back next year or better yet, follow this link to schedule your teens own personal session! Teen Sessions perksWhat's all included in becoming a member of the WEP Teen Model Team?
total value $1,575! but not for my teen models ;)details
pricing optionsOption A: Teen model team with mobile app $825 Option B: Teen model team with mobile app + high-resolution digitals $1,025 that's it, no hidden fees, this is all you pay for your teen to have a funfilled summer on the wep teen team! If you are ready for your teen to join something fun and exciting along with meeting new friends, then definitely let me know! Please have your teen fill out this form by March 31st and I'll be reaching out to all parents by April 1st! Join the team, I would love to have ya! |
Perk #1Spring studio mini session (May) Summer field mini session all natural makeup (June or July) City/Urban mini session (August) +PLUS +Mobile app for your edited images +One style consultation with access to style closet prior to session +HUGE discount on print products +Discounted additional mini sessions +Sit down ordering session in November $925 | Perk #2Spring studio mini session (May) Summer field mini session all natural makeup (June or July) Personalized styled creative session hair + makeup included (August) City/Urban or Fall mini session (September or October) +PLUS +Mobile app for your edited images +Two style consultations with access to style closet +HUGE discount on print products +Discounted additional mini sessions +Sit down ordering session in November $1525 |
Collection 1 20 - 30 min session wear your own clothes One person or two littles (between 5-10 years old) 5 printed 5x7 mobile app containing digital images $325 add pet $50 | Collection 2 20 - 30 min session access to style closet One person or two littles (between 5-10 years old) 10 printed 5x7 mobile app containing digital images $425 add pet $50 |
Perk #1Spring studio session 20 min (May) Summer field session 30 min. all natural makeup (June or July) City/Urban session 30 min. (August) +plus mobile app one style consultation with access to style closet HUGE discount on print products discounted cap/gown session | Perk #2Spring studio session 20 min (May) Summer field session 30 min. all natural makeup (June or July) Styled creative session 1 hr hair + makeup included (August) City/Urban or Fall session 30 min. (September or October) +plus mobile app two style consultations with access to style closet HUGE discount on print products discounted cap/gown session |
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